SAMC Registration for Massachusetts Manufacturing Employers
Register today to become a partner in the Southeastern Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (SAMC). Your organization will be part of a forum of employers, educators, and other key stakeholders dedicated to building an ample supply of skilled manufacturing professionals to meet the needs our region’s manufacturing employers now and into the future.
Registration is free to all partners.
The Registration form defines an agreement between the partners of the Consortium. The consortium is a dynamic alliance of next-generation companies that operate in a concerted effort to identify workforce-related business demands and solutions.
Online Manufacturing Partner Registration
PLEASE NOTE: This form is for manufacturing companies in Southeastern Massachusetts. Non-manufacturing organizations interested in developing a partnership with SAMC are invited to send an email to, or reach out directly to their regional SAMC Key Contact listed on our contact us page.
Partner Benefits
Roles and Expectations of Partners
Members of the consortium agree to:
- Complete the Online Partner Registration form on this page to confirm membership.
- Attend meetings of interest, participate in a sub-committee as desired or designate an employee to be a representative.
- Share information as appropriate for the betterment of the region including responding to surveys that will generate data trends in hiring, technology and other business-related issues.
- Work collaboratively with the Steering Committee and Managers to promote and market the manufacturing industry to local, state and national officials, economic development agencies and public policy groups.
- If interested, participate in Manufacturing Day i.e. tell your success story, company tours, speakers at K-12 schools, shadow students for a day, whenever possible.
- Learn about and participate in summer and year-round youth activities of interest i.e. internships, shadowing, tours whenever possible.
- Be open to listening and learning about Apprenticeship opportunities as a means to fill employment gaps within your organizations.
- If interested, assist in the development of content for the website.
- Host a consortium meeting.